Candle in the Wind

If wedding blogs are the gospel truth than I can't possibly throw a reception without votive candles!  I don't know what I was planning on doing before I discovered these adorable little tea lights.  Not having a very good wedding, that's what.  In case you have no idea what I am talking about:
Tea lights we used to call them before I got engaged {Image vie Candle Shop Ideas}
And in action:
Oooh look at that soft glow {Martha Stewart}
Sold!  I need candles as part of my centerpieces.  Now I just have to find the best deal* on these adorable mini candles.

We are having 125 guests and at 8 guests per table that makes for about 16 tables.  I don't want to have 2 or 3 lights because that might look a little silly.  Mostly I have been able to find the candles in packs of 72.  Making it 4.5 candles per table.  That might be too few.  To the google-mobile!

First I tried Amazon which is my go to site when I want to purchase anything.  Unfortunately I could only find a 72 pack of candles and holders for $39.99 plus $9.99 shipping.  My bridal gut told me I could do better than that for candles.

Next stop was Cudge  I have no idea where I heard of this site, probably a wedding blog somewhere.  They had a 72 candle plus holder kit for $35.44.... score!  But a $27.00 shipping charge.  :(   Suddenly amazon is not looking so bad.

Another search led me to Candle4less  I was excited about this option because I could upgrade to the frosted glass for no additional charge.  The popular 72 piece was $36.88....but $23.00 for shipping.  Each search is getting worse and worse.
See the frosted in the front (source)

Quickcandle had some for only $40 plus $14 shipping but I had to pay an extra $10 if I wanted to have frosted glass instead of clear.  Which I can't decide if the frosted is worth $10 extra.  I have been about to find some online coupons for QuickCandle bringing that total down.

Finally I found my way to Candles D-Light (  At this site I could upgrade to the frosted glass for only $38 for 72 candles.  Best part is shipping is only $18.00.  However I can get 144 candles for only $72.00.  That would be 9 candles per table!  Plus I won't have to worry if any break or I could put them in other places.  So my total order would be $90 or about $0.62 a candle.

Do you think 144 votive candles is too many or not enough?  I am nervous about buying things for the wedding because I am always convinced I am going to find a better deal but I should just pull the trigger on this... right?!?!

*my florist told me I could rent them through her for $2 per candle.  Hahahah I laugh in the face of that 'deal'.


  1. 1) You are so right. No candles = not a very good wedding

    2) google-moblie -- Love it!

    3) Sometimes waiting for a deal backfires. This one time I was stalking some boxes and I finally pulled the trigger because the price kept going up. It only went up 3 cents per box but dang it!

  2. We had 250 votive candles and 100 people at the wedding. LOL--I love my candles :) We had 10 on each table, and then had them on the buffet table, cake table, gift table, and any other table we could find. I loved the candlelight. I got most of mine on ebay for very cheap, but I had to buy the candles and the glass votive holders separate. It was worth it, because I saved a TON of money.
